Note Number 32…Family…

Note Number 32…Family…


Popsie (AKA The Man) and granddaughter, out on a bear hunt…he’s really getting into the action. 

I have been fortunate in the last couple of months to catch up with most of my close family members. After six years, my daughter, her husband and two children have relocated from New York to Bristol. It’s great to have them so much closer, even though it’s still a couple of hours door to door, there’s no airports and flying involved.  With FaceTime and Skype readily available the grandchildren know us well and we have been in contact every week while they’ve been living in NYC.  Both of them were born there and the eldest, Evie has a great Brooklyn accent, soon to be lost to the Bristolian brogue perhaps? Emily has been away from England for sixteen years in total, ten of those years spent in Australia. A big change for her and I’m impressed with how she’s coping with it all…so far. But, even the Australian dog seems to be settling in well, enjoying the joys of a garden and less crowded parks. I recall Brooklyn dog walking with mixed feelings.

coming home

Coming Home to England….Emily, Daryl, Evie and Orla…


matt in a hat

Matt in a Hat (a big one)…It’s impossible to visit Bridport without popping in to  Snooks the Hatter! 

At the end of May, my son Matt from Thailand came over for a few days, he’s been living away for over 20 years. First in Sydney, Australia, then Singapore and now Thailand. I don’t think he’ll ever come back to the UK. It was lovely to see him and even better that we all managed to get together for an evening in Bristol…at least most of us, Wills, the photographer couldn’t make it due to work commitments but he did meet up with his brother in London. Joe, (Will’s twin), who is a nurse, working and living in Bristol was with us. Of course, at our family gatherings there’s always one missing and that is Tosh, tragically lost to us in January 2011. But that’s another story which I think most of my readers know about already.

No photos of all of us in May 2017 but here’s one from the past…2009. An oldie but goodie and we’re ALL in it, including The Man’s lovely girls Jackie and Lottie.  We’ve changed a bit since then mind (how’s that for Westcountry speak?) and not just the hair colour. We’ll have to do another family shoot next time we’re all in the same hemisphere and include the new members…

The Family

Italy 2009 

At the beginning of June The Man and I took a trip to Menorca to visit my brother and his wife. They’ve been living abroad for many years…over thirty I believe. It was a fleeting visit and we certainly packed a whole lot of stuff into three days. My brother drove us the full length of the island from Mahon (he lives close to here) to Ciutadella, where we had lunch. Then back to the middle and up Monte Toro the large mountain. The weather, which was a little inclement for only one day, cleared as we got to the top, so we were able to appreciate the view.

the view as the clouds cleared

View as the clouds cleared from Monte Toro

The rest of the time we were there, we spent sunbathing, eating, drinking and sleeping…all the ingredients needed for a good holiday!

Both pictures are the port at Mahon…the boat on the right The Man thought was best suited to us…ha ha ha I’m not keen on any boats but I guess I could make an exception for this one. #dreamonbaby

Top Left: the pool, top right: My brother Tony and wife Maggie (he’s older than me…just so you know). Middle Right: plate of delicious baby squid. Bottom: Me and The Man enjoying outside, evening dining,  at Restaurant Tamarindos, in the lovely village of Es Grau. 


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Loved these Menorca shoes called Abarcas…I bought three pairs and can’t wait to go back and buy more

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Me and my sister Jean (she’s older than me in case you wondered) 

I even managed to catch up with my sister in the month of May, haven’t seen her in ages but I drove up from Dorset to Surrey to visit her for just one night. It’s important to do these things as and when you can. She’s just become a grandmother…such a wonderful thing to be. I’m loving it.

Being Nonna

Fun Being Nonna (it’s Italian for Grandmother)…not sure what kind of mystical animal I was being made into…

window shopping

Window shopping on the Gloucester Road…makes a little girl very happy…

Take care everyone. Despite the awful events occurring in the UK and the rest of the world, there are also many good things going on. Oh dear…I do write such trite at times… ha ha ha. Enjoy the lovely weather, your families and friends and be sure to visit them and/call them as often as you can.

Note Number 31…Garden v Election Campaign…

Note Number 31…Garden v Election Campaign…

me with whiterose

The white roses match my hair colour! 

I am, like many people I know, confused/worried about the forthcoming election and the coverage is endless on FaceBook, Twitter, the News…it cannot be escaped. I do take it all seriously, probably more now that I’m older, than at any other time in my life. But, today is June 1st, and a beautiful sunny day, so I took myself out into the garden, to clear my head and get away from the constant barrage of ‘party political verbal onslaughts’ and to clear the weeds, (some of them anyway) and tidy up.  I’m proud of what we have achieved so far in our little patch of Dorset but there’s still plenty to do. I’m hoping that a reader will be able to identify a couple of plants for me. If you know what the two below are please post in the comments box.

Anyone know what the plant on the left is? And the one on the right, is this a chrysanthemum or a dahlia…or neither? 

I’m loving the roses…look out Chelsea Flower Show 2018 (joke!)

Top left is a white climber…top right is ‘Queen of Sweden’ and the bottom is the prettiest rambling rose, it so belongs in our cottage garden…

Left, Antirrhinums (I think) and on the right the sweet peas are coming on well… no flowers yet but I’m hoping for a bumper crop! 

me with lupins

Check out the lupins! My dad would be proud of me…

I’m tempted to say that after a whole morning in the garden I’m veering towards green…